Why Are MVHR Systems for Commercial Buildings Growing in Popularity?

Advanced ventilation solutions, like MVHR, are quickly taking over as the preferred ventilation system for three major reasons.

Favorable effects on performance and productivity

Numerous studies have demonstrated the direct relationship between indoor air quality and health, productivity, and performance. A three-decade research by Harvard University found that worker performance increased by 8{b9de5cbb62689ce6ce6bbda1abc52918e41c4be277ccab34fdcd4b178d5dc43e}, while absenteeism decreased and health improved.

Reduced costs of operations

Perhaps the most important factor for companies considering investing in new, energy-efficient technologies is cost. While conventional renewable energy sources like geothermal, solar, and wind can result in significant cost reductions over many years or decades, an MVHR system like prana ventilation can offer breakeven dates that are far more realistic for the majority of organizations. Depending on the specific existing energy source the business is using, commercial MVHR systems with an efficiency of 75{b9de5cbb62689ce6ce6bbda1abc52918e41c4be277ccab34fdcd4b178d5dc43e} (i.e., 75{b9de5cbb62689ce6ce6bbda1abc52918e41c4be277ccab34fdcd4b178d5dc43e} of heat ventilation that would otherwise be lost is recouped instead) can cut monthly energy bills by ranging from 35{b9de5cbb62689ce6ce6bbda1abc52918e41c4be277ccab34fdcd4b178d5dc43e} to 45{b9de5cbb62689ce6ce6bbda1abc52918e41c4be277ccab34fdcd4b178d5dc43e}. Comparing MVHR systems to more conventional HVAC solutions, the capital costs are also much lower.

Conscientious of the environment

MVHR represents a highly eco-friendly method of ventilation. Energy conservation helps a firm cut its carbon footprint in addition to lowering operating expenses. Installing effective MVHR systems could reduce carbon emissions in schools by as much as 40{b9de5cbb62689ce6ce6bbda1abc52918e41c4be277ccab34fdcd4b178d5dc43e}. With MVHR systems, we can contribute to the government’s aggressive carbon targets, which call for a drastic reduction in emissions by the end of the decade and a move toward zero emissions.

Does MVHR require continuous upkeep?

The units should require extremely little maintenance because of their relative simplicity. Since just the fans are regarded as mechanical parts, unit failure is extremely unusual. The majority merely requires low-tech upkeep, such as cleaning and filter changes. It is generally advised to inspect the filter every three months and replace it if needed. Numerous reliable sources offer inspections and servicing packages, which include:

  • Examining any damage.
  • Examining the load carriers.
  • Inspect and clean the fan impellers.
  • Examine the fan and motor bearings.
  • Check and clean coils as needed.
  • Vent coils for any stuck air.
  • Examine, clean, and prime the drain trays.
  • Examine every electrical connection.
  • Clear PHX and use of the bypass feature.

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