Common Paver Patio Problems When Poorly Installed Or Not Maintained

Brick paver patios are exceptionally durable, provided they are installed professionally, and maintained adequately. Without either of these factors, you can expect a brick paver patio to show early signs of distress, and over a longer period of time, become worn and in need of repair, far sooner.

Here are some of the issues that can arise from a poorly constructed, poorly maintained brick paver patio:

Uneven surfaces and settling

When the preparation of the site or installation of the base hasn’t been carried out properly, settling can take place, and the patio can become uneven; neither safe nor aesthetically pleasing. Tree roots growing under the patio can also cause unevenness if not addressed at the time of installation.

Weed growth

Joints between pavers that haven’t been filled adequately with joint sand, will enable weeds to push up through the gaps; something which always looks unsightly.


If there isn’t enough drainage on a brick paver patio, erosion can quickly become a problem, along with a loss of dirt and sand from between each paver. If the problem persists, the patio will end up becoming uneven, and water will easily pool on it.

Cracked or loose pavers

It’s easy for pavers that haven’t been installed properly to become loose, making them difficult to walk on safely. They may also be prone to cracking, particularly if something heavy were to be dropped on them, and once cracks appear, they’re only likely to get worse during the winter.

Stains, fading and wear

If a brick paver patio hasn’t been sealed properly, stains can occur from such things as food, liquid or grease spillages, as the porous surface of the bricks will absorb them easily and make them hard to remove. Should pavers be exposed to a lot of strong, direct sunlight and foot traffic, they may also fade quiet quickly, affecting their overall appeal.

How to stop these problems from happening

Firstly, if you hire a qualified and experienced masonry contractor to lay the brick paver patio, you shouldn’t experience many (if any) of the problems above, although ongoing maintenance is required.

Secondly, care for your patio appropriately following a professional installation, and it should last you for many years, without any problems. Some maintenance you can carry out includes the following:

  • Regularly inspecting and refilling joints with sand. This will stop weeds from growing in between the pavers and preserve its stability for longer.
  • Cleaning the patio. Sweeping your patio on a regular basis helps to keep debris away, and prevents discoloration, weed growth, or damage of the pavers.
  • Applying a sealant. With the addition of a high-quality sealant, you can keep your brick pavers looking as good as new, for longer. Reapplication is typically required every few years or so.
  • Look out for signs of unevenness or settling. Give your patio a quick visual inspection from time to time, and after a period of heavy rain or similar weather event. Should you spot any issues, address them promptly by reaching out to a local masonry contractor, to avoid further damage.

When a brick paver patio has been professionally installed, and is maintained consistently, it can last for many years. And by applying a sealant as directed by a masonry specialist, along with regular cleaning, it can continue to look just as good as the day it was laid.